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Áreas de especialidad en medicina del sueño
Sleep MS proporciona atención integral para
una amplia gama de trastornos comunes del sueño
Haga clic en las imágenes para obtener más información.
Services We Provide

Las personas que sufren noche a noche con trastornos del sueño como la apnea del sueño pueden ser derivadas por su médico a Sleep MS para evaluar el sueño.
Esto puede incluir evaluación clínica y / o pruebas de sueño; polisomnograma (estudio de sueño nocturno) o una prueba de sueño en el hogar.
Llame hoy - (408) 295-4532
We're Here To Help!
Everyone experiences sleep difficulties from time to time.
But, when you have persistent trouble falling asleep or staying awake, you probably have a sleep disorder.
Together we can achieve optimal health and well-being for you. We know the best path toward wellness involves you.
We look forward to working together in providing you with expert medical treatment, guidance, and care.
Horario de atención al público y servicios clínicos:
Lunes Viernes
9:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Cerrado los miércoles ***
I Horas de estudios de sueño en el laboratorio:
6 noches por semana
8:15 pm a 7:00 am
Cerrado los viernes por la noche **
Teléfono: (408295-4532
Fax: (408) 295-4738
SleepMS Sleep Disorders Lab has been testing and treating those suffering from sleep deprivation since 1998.
Our experienced and knowledgeable staff have years of dedicated service in working with people who have been diagnosed with sleep-disordered breathing.
SleepMS strives to build relationships with our patients who put trust in our expertise.
We are proud of the way we approach every customer with compassion and a genuine
desire to improve their lives by improving their sleep.